👨‍đŸ‘Ļ‍đŸ‘Ļ Team

Octaplex team consists of 4 project developers and several moderators and cooperators. We are a European based team and know each other from other projects we have worked on, together or in smaller groups. Some of us know each other in real life and we all have full trust in each other. We have created several projects in the past, and were a part of a bigger team but decided to create our smaller but very trusted and skilled work group. We have all been involved in the Crypto space for a solid amount of time and have experience in investing, networking and development of projects in the Binance Smart Network. The reason we started Octaplex network is because we were very unsatisfied with the recent projects coming up in the Smart Chain network, so we decided to create a long-term and stable project, along with a trustful and involved community.

At the moment we wish to remain anonymous for privacy reasons, but when the project expands and the development of utilities planned reaches a development milestone; doxing is considered and will happen by at least certain members of the team.

Last updated